Discrimination and Other Employment Compensation Statistics

Given the huge decrease in tribunal cases in recent years, how robust are your procedures in managing staff if, as a result of Brexit, the tribunal fees are reduced or removed? Take a look at the Discrimination and Other Employment Compensation Statistics below …

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Stats taken from UK Employment Tribunal and EAT Statistics 2014 -15:


2014 – 15 (2013-14)

Total Employment Tribunal claims

77,559 (182,567 in 13/14)*

Total relating to discrimination

11,224 (25,119 in 13-14)


1,804 (2,974)


2,852 (4,818)


1,047 (1,848)

Religion or belief

322 (559)

Sex (includes equal pay and part-time workers)

4,279 (13,429)

Pregnancy and maternity

741 (1,151)

Sexual orientation

178 (340)

No figures yet available other 2 protected characteristics: gender reassignment or marriage/civil partnership.

* Decrease: thought to be related to the introduction of tribunal fees in July 2013 and mandatory ‘early conciliation’ in May 2014

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