HR Docs Wizard

Training Videos

Do small and medium sized businesses have to deal with many legal problems relating to staff?
Docs Wizard (HR)
How do I know that HR Docs Wizard Docs are up to date and in line with the law?
How much time will these docs save?
I employ mostly self employed people such as contractors or use agency temps, do I still need any of these documents?
I usually just ask those in my network to share documents they have, what are the dangers in that?
Why do organisations need up to date documents such as those sold by HR Docs Wizard

What our clients say...

“I get a buzz every time I need an HR Document and I pray it’s in Docs Wizard and it ALWAYS is. Docs Wizard has literally saved me 1 hour this morning as I head into a meeting.” Antoinette Daniel, Just Helpers

If you are interested in unlimited HR telephone support and your own HR library of template documents, Get in touch!

+44 (0)207 096 3355